

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Everyone's a Nazi

Someone needs to send an e-mail to Democrats saying that comparing America, US Military, the Bush Administration, Gitmo, and Republicans to Nazis, Soviets, and various dictators is neither effective nor reputable. The claims aren't based on anything but hype and sensationalism, and do nothing but offend and discredit those attacked and their attackers. This is not how you bring about change in American policy, this is not how you get people to listen, and this is not how I want my government (because yes, even Democrats are a part of my government) to work.

I think at first, congressmen held back the references to Naziism and Fascism, saving them for a real shocker on the senate floor. Sort of that nice "snap!!" to make their speech really effective. You want to make someone look bad, call them a Nazi. And so that's what many of the Democrats were doing, off and on throughout Bush's first term. But now it's all the rage to call various Bush policies, practices and institutions slanderous names, regardless of who you may offend.

The latest, and most insane attack, was brought about by Senator Dick Durbin's remarks about Guantanamo Bay, referring to it as a Gulag and a Nazi institution. Thanks, Dick, that's going to make the majority of Republicans really want to hear you out and move to close the facility. He cited that we were "torturing" prisoners down there by turning off the air conditioning, or playing rap music too loud. I've listened to Glenn Beck scream at the top of his lungs about this for a week now... but then again, maybe that's why these senators are saying such things. They want to hear Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly fume about this on their radio shows, and that way they can't talk about the real issues that the senate isn't dealing with.

Certain members of congress, including Rep. Pelosi, are calling the Iraq war a "grotesque mistake" as others cite that declining military enrollment numbers spell doom for our nations weary soldiers. And yet I have to wonder why no one wants to join the army. Perhaps it's because members of the army are being compared to Nazis! Perhaps members of our own government refer to the war as a "quagmire" and a "mistake"! Instead of supporting our troupes and our military, they do everything they can to dishearten them. As Dick Morris say in his book "Off with their Heads", our very own members of congress and media sometimes commit larger acts of treason than the blokes we have down in Gitmo. They may not be giving army secrets to the Chinese, but they are doing everything they can to lower the morale of this nation and of our military.

Calling Guantanamo a Gulag, and referring to our interrogation methods as practices of a concentration camp, senators are turning this entire discussion into one of hyperbole. The senate has done absolutely nothing over the past few months, and in all honesty the Republicans in congress are trying to make some decisions, pass some laws, and solve some problems. It's okay if Democrats don't agree with the solutions GOPs present to various problems, however they are required to present their own solutions. They are filibustering, they are skirting around the issue, and they are name calling, but they refuse to vote on judicial nominees, John Bolton, or any sort of social security reform. The spirit of this democratic system is debate and discussion, and they are pushing away these votes because they fear they haven't won over enough moderate GOP hearts to get their way. Well here's a little hint:

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Greatest American

I just got done watching the Top 5 countdown for Discovery Channel's Greatest American list. I think it's pretty common knowledge by now how bogus the list is, and that all its really done is show us all how stupid TV-watching Americans can be. Seriously, who puts Madonna, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Moore and Mel Gibson on the same list as Ben Franklin and the Wright Brothers. Even worse, who let's windbag Moby spout off about why each one is great?

Well it doesn't really matter anymore. America has come to its senses and the list has been narrowed down considerably. Discovery Channel separated the pop culture icons from the famous, world-changing, historical figures for the final countdown. And while I totally agree with the top 5, I am very happy to report that my man George W. Bush not only beat Bill Clinton, but only missed the top 5 by a 10th of 1%. Not bad for someone who's approval rating is in the 40's... and the general public votes for him to almost be considered for the greatest American of all time.

But in all honesty, I'm happy for the five who made it: George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Ronald Reagan, and Ben Franklin. Each one of them have shaped the country we live in today. Everyone's got an argument for why each of them deserves to be the best, but the important thing is learning about the five men and why they are the top five greatest Americans. It's asking television audiences to get their minds off of crappy reality TV and think about the history of the greatest country in the world!

Vote today!

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Live 8: Now with 50% less Bush bashing!

Matt Drudge has reported that Bob Geldof, organizer of the Live 8 concerts as well as the original Live Aid, has demanded that all of the performers refrain from Bush/Blair bashing. Drudge reports: "Please remember, absolutely no ranting and raving about Bush or Blair and the Iraq war, this is not why you have been invited to appear," Geldoff said to the manager of a top recording artist, who asked not to be identified. The purpose of the event is to raise money for aid in Africa, not to push the political agendas that some musicians may hold.

Interestingly enough, Geldof was quoted in Time Magazine saying "Actually, today I had to defend the Bush Administration in France again. They refuse to accept, because of their political ideology, that he has actually done more than any American President for Africa." For the whole article, click here.

While Bush's approval rating seems to be dipping a tad here in the states (along with the approval rating for Congress and everyone else in the Capitol) his approval throughout the world has improved slightly. This can be linked to his increased support for the aid to Africa, aid that he agreed to give during a press conference with Tony Blair a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Is Kerry Dumb or is Bush Smart?

It's a pretty common assault by liberals to say that Bush is a moron. "He was a C student!" they exclaim, complaining that no one with such poor grades could be running our country.

Just released today, the Boston Globe reports: Yale grades portray Kerry as a lackluster student. Kerry refused to release his grades during the campaign, but as it turns out, he had about the same average grades as George W. Bush. In fact, he got four D's his freshman year.

Looks like the libs have to think of something else to call Bush.

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