I was just recently added to this blog as a contributor, so I figured it would be a good idea to introduce myself and why I'm going to be posting on the Beaver County GOP blog. My name is Mike Rubino (a good number of you know my dad, by the same name, who is a committee member from Monaca) and I'm a 19 year old college student at
Seton Hill Univiersity. I'm a resident of Beaver County, and am extremely adamant about my right-winged politics. Most of the folk who read this blog were invited to the Bush parties I helped organize over the summer (or you may have seen me play John Edwards in the Cellar Dweller
comedy routine at the Zell Miller rally). I am also the chairman of the
College Republicans at Seton Hill.
I remember talking about getting the Young Republicans kick-started here in the county, and I hope that I will be able to provide a sort of youth perspective of things on this blog. I do my best to stay on top of the current issues and the true facts behind them (because if you've seen my letters to the Times, there is nothing I hate more than people waving around misleading numbers and falsehoods.)
It's great that the RCBC has a good grasp on the blog community, because these things are what brought down Rather and what helped President Bush win the online news war of the last campaign. I'm looking forward to some good conversations and exchanges of ideas. Thanks!