Apparently, there are a group of folks who are working hard to get Al Gore to run again for President. Yeah, because it's such a great idea. This was first reported by
US News & World Report:
"It's Gore Time," says a political strategist and fundraiser who is opening a bid to get Gore into the race. Gore friends see his recent political and business moves as proof he's preparing to run. Allies say that in speeches, Gore has found his voice to address domestic and world issues. And in raising money for his Current TV network, which targets the critical youth market, Big Al has built an issue base and donor network that's competitive with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton 's.
Hot diggity dog! Apparently "Gore Time" is an endearing term that should get people excited for Robo-Veep's return. When I read the phrase "Gore Time" I couldn't help but think of a really boring bull slamming into a small, helpless child while screaming, "I invented the internet!"
Al Gore has gone from that boring, lifeless shell of a man while under Clinton's wing, to a burly, wild-eyed CEO who often looks like Vince McMahon from the WWE. Remember when Al had that beard? Wow. I can't wait for him to run just so the GOP can put that picture in a commercial!
I actually hope that he runs. Part of me thinks he is a tad more likeable than Hillary, at least in liberal circles. Just think of all the fun sound clips we'll be able to use against him. Like that one time he freaked out and screamed "He played on our fears!" Oh that's a goodie. Al Gore has become one of the biggest jokes in politics, so let's cross our fingers and look for a Clinton vs Gore showdown!