

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Casey Spying on Santorum?

News is just starting to break about Bob Casey Jr's campaign crossing the line between fair play and family endangerment! According to the Rick Santorum blog, members of Casey's campaign were found snooping around the Santorum house in Penn Hills. Santorum said on KDKA Radio, “This guy won't debate. He won't talk about issues. He won't do anything, but he'll support people who will look in my windows and find out what's going on in my house. This is ridiculous.”

Police have been called on to perform extra patrols of the neighborhood to assure the safety of Santorum's family and their own. Rick and Karen Santorum also issued an open letter to Bob Casey:

Dear Bob,

We are writing to express our outrage regarding the actions of your campaign, which have put our six young children at a serious safety risk. Last night, we learned with deep dismay that a Casey operative admitted on KDKA-TV to trespassing on our property and viewing the inside of our home. Further, your campaign issued a press release yesterday that falsely says that we do not stay in our Penn Hills home. This reckless statement is not only a lie, but alerts those who may want to enter the home illegally. Your despicable actions have greatly endangered our children's safety.

Let us remind you that while Rick is a U.S. Senator, Karen and our six young children are not. You are welcome to criticize Rick's positions, but putting our children's privacy and safety at risk has certainly crossed a line we never expected. If anyone associated with our campaign ever put your wife or children in any type of risk, he or she would be fired immediately.

We call on you to immediately dismiss your campaign spokesperson and anyone else on your staff involved with this malicious effort. Anything short of the dismissal of these individuals is your endorsement of this repugnant act.

Your immediate attention to this unfortunate matter would be much appreciated by every member of our family.


Rick and Karen Santorum

Casey's statement? He, along with the DNC of Penn Hills, claim that Rick lives in Virginia. Is Bob Casey that out of ideas? Can they find nothing else to attack Rick about? Or is every Senator who serves in Washington expected to report every day from his home state? The idea that Santorum staying in Virginia while Congress is in session isn't outlandish or unheard of. Surely you don't hear people in Hawaii asking if Senator Daniel Kahikina Akaka really lives there. It's another cheap political attack that has clearly gone too far.

I would say that they could resolve this in a debate... but we all know Bob Casey Jr. would never go for that.

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